How Our Fraud Investment Experts Can Help You

There are many different ways that brokers may have breached rules and regulations when handling your investments, or you may have experienced scams when trading online, causing you to lose your financial investments. As investment fraud recovery experts, we’re highly experienced in recovering funds lost through online trading, across multiple platforms. 

We’ve found that, in a lot of cases, when scams or fraud happen as a result of trading online, many investors believe that their money is lost forever. This isn’t the case. Our team of investment fraud here at Global Securities are highly skilled and experienced in recovering money lost in this way and have claimed millions of pounds back for clients in the past year alone. 

Advised how to trade
Were you advised to buy or sell a specific stock, commodity, or Forex?

Guaranteed Profit
Were you assured that you will definitely make money from your investments?

Pressured to Deposit
Were you under constant pressure to deposit more money?

Professional Account
Were you advised or coached to provide false information to upgrade your trading account?

Major Losses
Did you lose a large amount of money in a short amount of time?

Prevented Withdrawals
Were your requests to withdraw your money met with refusals or resistance?

New Account Manager
Did the trading firm often change who was in charge of your account?

Trading Pressure
Did your account manager call and pressure you to make immediate trades?

Specialist Trading & Investment Fraud Recovery Experts

We are Global Securities, a United States law firm with a team of legal experts and investment recovery with experience in specialist trading and online investments. Our team are dedicated to helping our clients retrieve money lost from investments and trading.

Here at Global Securities, our legal experts and investment fraud recovery team are here to help you retrieve any money you may have lost whilst trading or investing. With years of experience and knowledge in the industry, our US-based team of dedicated investment fraud team and legal experts offer confidential services and advice to help you get back any money lost through trading or investments, from cryptocurrency trading losses to regulated broker recovery

We want to help you regain any lost funds, whilst also giving you the confidence to make and identify safer trading and investment choices in the future. With millions of pounds recovered for our clients in the past year, our team of investment fraud recovery experts have the confidence and experience to help with your investment recovery case. Let’s find out how our team of investment fraud recovery can help you further.

Common Types Of Investment Fraud

There are many types of investment fraud that you must be aware of. Furthermore, it is important you make yourself aware of the risks of investing. As investment fraud recovery team, we have worked with numerous cases, many of them involving different types of investment fraud. Make sure you make yourself aware of the most common types of investment fraud before you make an investment.


Social Media Investment Fraud

Social media is another common type of investment fraud that we work against as recovery experts. In the last decade, this has been a more common type of fraud as there is little regulation on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. As investment fraud recovery experts, we have worked with victims of all ages who have been targeted by these scammers and again, promising large returns on investments such as crypto, forex and other types of investments. 

Social media investment fraud can happen in many ways. Our investment fraud recovery experts have noticed the most common method is when a scammer has messaged a victim randomly, claiming that they can make them a lot of money if they invest a certain amount. The scammer would reach out to the victim using a previous victim’s account. This makes the fraudster look more legitimate as it is someone’s personal social media page however, it isn’t actually them. The next victim will then fall for this and the process will be repeated.

Ponzi/Pyramid Schemes

Ponzi and pyramid schemes are some of the most common cases we have worked on as investment fraud recovery experts. A Ponzi/pyramid scheme is usually a completely fake investment. The scammer will contact you, promising a high return on your initial investment. This will be offered to multiple investors and as more people invest, the returns increase. However, not everybody receives the returns that were promised. The early/initial investors will receive money but those who invested later on won’t receive their money back or the profits which were promised.


Cryptocurrency Investment Fraud

Cryptocurrency fraud is one of the most common types of investment fraud that we work with. As cryptocurrency has become increasingly popular in the last decade, many fraudsters are taking advantage of investors and scamming them for millions of pounds.

The combination of AI and cryptocurrency has been a very common scam in the last year. Criminals will use artificial intelligence to create video footage of celebrities. This video footage will impersonate well-known celebrities and tell people to invest in crypto. These fake videos of celebrities will trick the victim into investing in a fake cryptocurrency. One of the most recent cases of this is the fake Martin Lewis video that was circulating the internet and scamming hundreds of people.

3 Easy Steps To Recovering Your Money

If you have lost money trading, our forward thinking and innovative team of investment fraud recovery experts and legal team can deliver results in 3 simple steps.

With any wealth and investment recovery case, the starting point is to investigate the company involved. This is to see if they are a regulated company or not, or if they themselves are the victim of a cryptocurrency scam. Our team of investment fraud recovery experts will examine the strengths and weaknesses of your case and how best to determine the recovery of your lost investment.

After concluding our initial investigation, our team of investment fraud recovery experts will swiftly analyse the trades that have occurred and trace where the funds have gone. We will then help maximise the recovery of your lost money and work to build a strong argument in order to recover your investment.

A lot of companies will give the impression that you can’t recover your money and that all hope is lost. Here at Global Securities, our team of investment fraud recovery experts work tirelessly to expose any breaches on your behalf using our expertise and experience.

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Services To Help Recover Your Losses

Here at Global Securities, our team of investment fraud recovery experts and legal team will assess your case and advise you regarding the best ways of how to proceed with your investment recovery case.

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Call now on +1 (347) 201-8691 or complete the form below for a FREE consultation. 

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Our team of investment fraud recovery experts and our legal team are ready to get started on your case. Fill in the form below and we’ll soon be in touch with more information on how we can help you recover your personal wealth.

    Investment fraud, also known as security or stock fraud, is a deceptive practice that usually takes place in the stock or trading market. There are many different types of investment fraud, but, typically, it involves fraudsters contacting people on a cold-calling basis and asking them to invest in their products or schemes, which are usually worthless or nonexistent.When payment has been received, the criminals then cut all contact with victims, or pressure investors into parting with more money, often in the guise of management fees, immediate trades or depositing more money into accounts or wallets. These criminals often pose as financial advisors or fund managers and the schemes they present can be very convincing and sound too good to be true, which they often are.

    There are many lucrative opportunities to make money in the trading market, which has, unfortunately, led to an increase in the popularity of trading fraud that our investment fraud recovery experts are seeing on a day to day basis. Trading fraud is a type of investment fraud and one that our team of investment fraud recovery experts and our legal team are passionate about resolving for many of our clients.Trading fraud is often fronted by unregulated brokers who appear reliable and trustworthy or inexperienced regulated traders and, whilst there are still many legitimate brokers in the market, there are a growing number of brokers who are offering stock and cryptocurrency trading without any knowledge, accreditation or experience. Commonly, trading fraud schemes are often promoted online through adverts or on social media, promising high returns and using fake celebrity endorsements to entice people to invest. These ads are linked to professional websites where users are again persuaded to invest, often through an account where the regulated broker makes trades on their behalf, or where they “trade” themselves using the platform.Most of these trading fraud sites see users getting an initial return to give the impression that their trading has been successful. However, users are soon encouraged to invest more money or are given specific advice on stocks and commodities. They may also find that they get new account managers regularly or are prevented from withdrawing their investment returns. Losing money through this type of scam is, unfortunately, a reality for a lot of traders however, our team of investment fraud recovery experts have experience in recuperating funds lost in this way.

    Although it’s unfortunate that trading and investment scams have increased over the years, one positive to take from this increase is that they are becoming easier to spot, trace and recover. Regulations have improved over the years, however, some of these schemes still exist and our investment recovery legal team and investment fraud recovery experts are skilled in spotting signs of trading and investment fraud and questionable schemes.With schemes involving online trading and investments, some of the most common signs of wrongdoing include unexpected forms of contact, such as messages on trading sites, unsolicited emails or cold calls, time pressure to make investment decisions or offering discounts and bonuses if investments are made before a certain time, uninitiated advice on how to trade and assurances of guaranteed returns on investments. If you recognise these signs and you believe that you may have been the victim of fraudulent investment or trading, please contact our team of investment fraud recovery experts today for a free consultation.

    Investment fraud is most commonly identified in schemes that offer small and no-risk investments with the promise of guaranteed results, however, have complicated methods and unregistered security, leading to investors losing their money through making trades and investments with regulated brokers. There are some types of financial fraud that are more common and that our investment fraud recovery experts have seen far too frequently.Cryptocurrency fraud is one of the biggest types of financial fraud, likely because it isn’t a tangible object. Investing in cryptocurrency comes with risks and the market is currently highly unregulated, with investors typically having little to no protection when it comes to making investments. This makes it a particularly easy market for criminals to infiltrate and allows them to take huge advantage of innocent investors who are simply looking to increase their capital.Our team of investment fraud recovery experts are on hand to investigate a number of types of financial fraud and help you to recover any money you may have lost making financial investments or trading.

    When it comes to making investments, whether through trading or other avenues, there is always the risk that you will lose money and, unfortunately, is just one of the things that you have to accept in the market. However, if you have lost money trading through a regulated broker, unregulated scheme, fraud or cryptocurrency scam, then this is a different matter. Our team of investment fraud recovery experts are highly experienced in recovering lost money trading or from investments and are on hand to provide expert advice and recovery services.As soon as you believe you may have lost money through investments, then the first thing you should do is contact your bank, as they may be able to help to stop the payment, however, this is not always guaranteed. If you’ve lost money trading in cryptocurrencies and have used a secure wallet, then, unfortunately, you may not be able to do anything in the first instance to recover your funds.No matter how long ago you believe you may have lost money trading, please contact our team of investment fraud recovery experts here at Global Securities today for a free consultation and to start our investigations into recovering your lost finances.

    Identifying fraud isn’t easy for someone who has never been a victim before. However, investment fraud is very common and could result in you losing a lot of money. You need to know how to identify investment fraud.If someone randomly reaches out to you and asks you to invest with them, this is when you should start to ask questions. The chances of someone reaching out to you and claiming to make you money are highly unlikely. It is too good to be true. Conduct your own research on the investment they have suggested and ask who they work for. See if they work for a regulated broker and whether or not they can provide proof. You should never invest with someone or in something that you don’t know enough about.Researching before you invest is essential to help prevent you from losing your investment. As recovery experts who specialise in investment fraud, we have worked with a number of cases where the victim has not asked the right questions before investing. It doesn’t matter how much you are willing to invest, it is important you ask them to prove their legitimacy before you give them any money.Usually, these fraudsters would reach out to you, asking you to invest in cryptocurrency or a stock. In some cases, the fraudster may ask you to invest in a company that is on the rise. This is another common case we experience as investment fraud . Make sure you browse the internet to see if you have seen any positive news about these companies before you invest. This could be a pump-and-dump scheme where the fraudster is looking to increase the share price of the stock, once the value has increased, the scammer will then withdraw their investment as this has helped them to make a profit.If you have been a victim of investment fraud, our team at GBL are here to help you and are on hand to discuss how you lost your money and hope to retrieve your losses. Don’t be afraid or embarrassed about money being stolen from you when investing. Reach out to us as we will be able to help get some of your money back if not all of it. As investment fraud recovery experts, it is our responsibility to help you get your money back which you have lost. Contact us using our contact form below or call us on +1 (347) 201-8691 today.